
Showing posts from 2019

Live One Day at A Time

Tip number 30 in the book " 50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by Salim Mohammed Kea   Live One Day at A Time You can only manage if you take each day, the b urden it carries. But load will be excess for you if you carry yesterday's burden over again today a then add the responsibility of tomorrow to the weight before you are required to bear it. Let yesterday go and leave tomorrow until it arrives. Measure your daily achieving before another day starts. Every day when a day ends the first thing you can do is to measure your progress.  Focus often fades because of lack of feedback. Your brain has a natural desire to know whether or not you are making progress toward y our goals, and it is impossible to know that getting feedback. From a practical standpoint, this means we need to measure our results. We all have areas of life that we say are important to us, but that we aren’t measuring. That's a shame because measurement maintains focus and concentration. The things we e


Tip number 24 in the book "50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by Salim Mohammed Kea Persist Persistence pays. You can perform great tasks, not by strength, but by perseverance. Try harder, then try harder than that, and consistently work harder until you realize your aim. Don't hesitate or get discouraged at every small rebuff and change from one objective to another because by doing so, you will create yourself a series of difficulties and fail to accomplish anything. Your competence will result from sustained consistency and self-disciplined effort over an extended period. Even a small stream will curve out for itself abroad deep valley simply by persistently flowing to become a big river. DO YOU THINK BUSINESS IS TOUGH?  This short note is to those who think business is tough. If you think business is tough, then, consider a job. If you think business is tough, then, you must be thinking there’s something more manageable, right? But you see, nothing in the world is

Rise to The Occasion

Tip number 22 in the book "50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by Salim Mohammed Kea   Rise to The Occasion If you wallow in self-pity and think that your life is mean and are always grumbling about your poverty; complaining of your difficulties, whining over your troubles and thinking that your lot in life is weak, you will never get any happiness out of life or achieve any success. However, mean your life may be, face it bravely and honestly and try to make the best of it. You shall find that after all, it is not as bad as you thought and you will have your times of joy and success. After all, life is how you take it. Whatever you do is useful compare yourself with how palm tree is useful. Remember every part of the palm tree is valuable just like you are. Get the short biblical story of how the tree is useful; Palm tree is known for its usefulness. From top to bottom every part of the tree is useful. Only the poor people in eastern countries like India know the value of this tre

Think Success

  Tip number 2 in the book "50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by Salim Mohammed Kea Think Success Success is first conceived in the thought. You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are. All that you are arises from your feelings. What you are today arises from your thoughts of yesterday, and your present thoughts build your tomorrow. It is how you think that determines how you act and your destiny, therefore, changes with your thoughts. You can train your thoughts in any direction you want, so be careful what you think, for every idea you generate, you either gain or lose.You can be your own worst enemy if you put barriers of failure thinking in the path of your life.  Always aim at purifying your thoughts by focusing on worthwhile causes. With your dreams, you make your world.Failure to think about success then you are thinking about failure. Research is done and here are 17 Reasons why most people are not Successful. Mark Zuckerberg (The C.E.O and founder of F

You and Success

Tip number 1 in the book "50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by Salim Mohammed Kea You and Success You are the only you in the world, and no one else is like you the world over. You are created someone special and with a special talent, a gift, some genius and some powers that no one else in the world has. You are created perfect, whole and complete, and every answer to your success is in yourself. Nothing you have to achieve or attract, you contain the potential for everything. You can achieve anything in life and become the person you want to be if you discover these forces that lie within you. If you arouse and put into action these forces, you will be able to transform your life into your greatest dream. Developing self-knowledge is the key. Know your strengths and your weaknesses. Capitalize on your strengths, and you will realize that all the wonders you seek are within yourself. NB: To succeed in life is your birthright

Be Curious

Tip number 34 in the book "50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by Salim Mohammed Kea Be Curious Though it may have killed the cat, curiosity has its reason for existing. Find out! The world belongs to those who do. There is a vast world out there waiting to be explored, and only curiosity can lead you there. Through curiosity, you learn through learning you recreate yourself you become able to do things you never were able to do and extend your capacity to create. Learn something every day, be curious. If it were not for curiosity to discover then many could not have changed their mindsets towards student leaders in schools. I was a leader by birth, and I got the chance to lead in school. Maybe I give out my leadership statistics from primary level to secondary level. I was ever curious to find out how leaders do their things, interact with their subjects and even to know how they do change situations or bring a change. My dear if you haven’t been a leader then my curiosity led