Live One Day at A Time

Tip number 30 in the book " 50 WAYS TO SUCCESS" by
Salim Mohammed Kea
 Live One Day at A Time

You can only manage if you take each day, the
burden it carries. But load will be excess for you
if you carry yesterday's burden over again today a
then add the responsibility of tomorrow to the weight
before you are required to bear it. Let yesterday go
and leave tomorrow until it arrives. Measure your
daily achieving before another day starts. Every
day when a day ends the first thing you can do is to
measure your progress. Focus often fades because of
lack of feedback. Your brain has a natural desire to
know whether or not you are making progress toward
your goals, and it is impossible to know that getting
feedback. From a practical standpoint, this means
we need to measure our results.We all have areas
of life that we say are important to us, but that we
aren’t measuring. That's a shame because
measurement maintains focus and concentration.
The things we estimate are the things we improve.
It is only through numbers and explicit tracking that w
have any idea if we are getting better or worse.
•    When I measured how many pushups I did, I got started
•    When I tracked my reading habit of 20 pages per
day, I read more books.
•    When I recorded my values, I began living with
more integrity.
The tasks I measured were the ones I remained
focused on.Unfortunately, we often avoid measuring
because we are fearful of what the numbers will tell
us about ourselves. The trick is to realize that
measuring is not a judgment about who you are;
it's just feedback on where you are.  Measure to
discover, to find out, to understand. Measure to get
to know yourself better. Measure to see if you're
spending time on the things that are important to you.
Measure because it will help you focus on the things
that make and ignore the things that don’t.


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