"It's very normal my son," she paused and continued, "For a lady to seduce a man, unlike past if I could have seduced your dad then a lot could have happened."
My son it's also normal today bt quite wrong for a woman not being submissive to her husband. The boy became more anxious to drink directly from her mother's mouth.
"My" The woman next to the little man she collapsed. It was not until the woman was taken to the hospital when the boy realized that his mum was gone. The boy had to undergo counselling for he was at ease at first before the burial was conducted.

Time passed and a few months later the boy while at their garden a beautiful lady,who at fist Peter thought she was just passing by until when she came and approached him.
"Hi," she begun.
"Hi 2," Peter responded.
My name is Grace Wanjiku, 16 years old, am single and I see you the person am ready to mingle with. Peter who was also the same age as Wanjiku recalled the statements her mum told him last.
At this juncture the word its "Normal" it was ringing in Peter's mind.

Therefore, Peter could not do anything else apart from lending an acceptance hand to the beautiful one. "Welcome in my dear," Peter spoke softly to Wanjiku. They all joined hands and walked towards the modern homestead that Peter's parents left behind for him.
My dear, I have much to share with you. This voice came from Wanjiku while her head is on Peter's shoulder. Great we shall share I too I have much to share with you in future if that u won't mind.That day they spent it together till down when Peter had to open by narrating his story to his lovely friend. But did their friendship last longer? Maybe let's see how they lived.

I have never seen my dad since birth. When I used to ask my mum used to say he will be back and I will meet him when am of the right age. I only know my dad through this picture, he points at a framed picture that at the seating room. I guess the pic it was that when this man had married Peter's mum.
The pic was having flower margins and it was a pic that even though it was black and white still the beauty of nature is evident. Peter's mum was dressed to the occasion and likewise to his dad. Only that it is a pic couldn't answer some of the questions Peter had.
The girl was now even anxious.

It is only during my mum's funeral when I hear through walls that my dad passed away through a fetal accident from job to home while my mum was in the city hospital at maternity ward waiting to give birth to a child without dad.
At this point it was not only Peter who was shading tears but also Wanjiku who's chicks were filled with tears. No one was able to console the other. Peter continued with the narrative. One more sad part is that my mom's death without a warning letter. Wanjiku broke into a laughter with the words how can one write a warning letter of deaths.

You know...that day she woke very early, she did all the usual duties. It was unusual to seat me for a while to give a piece of advice but that day she did.
She asked me to have a seat. She brought tea on the table. "Have enough tea my son," this were her words at the start. There is a lot for a boy child to know and as you grow know that also the world grows with changes of characters. During my days men were only bread winners bt with time women also are going to be.
Anyway I would like you my son to get this she said, it is okay today for a man to be seduced by a lady and is very normal.

The word "normal" I never understood it before. Remember when I was about to ask my questions is when I was shocked with her mysterious death up-to-date not even doctors know the course of her death. My dear Grace, if it were not for the last advise my mom had given me then you couldn't be here because no way I could have faced you. Wanjiku broke into sarcastic laughter.
My dear, before you came to my rescue of loneliness many things have happened to me. Isolation from neighborhood, rejection from school reasons not that clear for me. I tell you my dear the world has turned against me, I wish a wishing will life, I wish I could see my dad,

I wish my mom is alive, I wish I could have siblings, I wish my name sake is alive, I wish...I wish...and I wish you would not let me gooo...
The last bit of Peters wish made Grace have a smile on her face. For it resembles her wish that peter never realized it until when she narrated her story.
Thanks Peter, grace hugged the little man for approval of everlasting bond. Let me tell you my story, I was born in mewa hospital, my case is different from yours I never saw my mom and my dad died a year letter after my mom's death. The doctors narrated to what caused my mothers death.

 It was sad as doctors to fail save your mom's life. It was either she was to die or you were to die. If you are alive then it shows we failed to rescue your mother. The doctor shade some tears and I found no need of me interrogating them anymore. I grew in Bidii Yako children's home that is located just a few kilometers from mewa hospital to the northern side. As the name suggest when you reach my age you left going your way. That's why I had to confirm my mom's death. I was from the hospital before we met yesterday. My heart got attached to you after the long looking I had for you from far. I love you Peter, hope you won't be like that of the bible, they all broke into serious laughter.

I won't Peter promised with guts. U know you are more of a friend now. You have opened up for me just like I did, we shall be forever together death our separation factor. On hearing this Grace smiled and sat properly to drink directly from Peter.
Peter, I have a request, Grace went closer to him and spoke into the ears. "No! Let's be like brother and sister, " Peter said it a loud. Fine, grace said and it could also be better when we marry, remember Peter I love you more than you may imagine. Also it sounds odd me looking for another man and you looking for a woman and God has brought us together. I love you. Have you forgotten it is normal?

Peter got into his senses again and recalled whatever her mom had advised him before. Fine it is normal I got you, Peter accepted the offer and their friendship ended there with a start of a new chapter. They now stayed as lovers just like Romeo and Juliet.
That night Peter requested Grace not to sleep with him till marriage that he suggested that they can all go to the nearby Church and request for union. Grace accepted that offer with joyous face knowing she has won Peter.
Early that Morning, Grace prepared meals and woke up Peter to shower and letter for tea. While on the table Grace began.

You know, today is on Thursday my wedding day, am happy for you my husband. I know God will open up ways for our success, don't worry I love you the way you are and promise you loving me the way I am. At this point Peter was speechless only with one word Amen.
Thanks my lovely one, I see you have a vision for our future.

Come on my dear, it is our vision and not that its me having it. Remember we are going to bond forever and ever, death our separation factor. Peter on hearing this he felt guilty and sorry for his words. Sorry my love, he stood and hugged one another. I guess this was a sign of reconciliation.
Later that morning they went to the church for reunion and Father Thomas Jefferson was amazed with Peter's decision of marriage. Good thought my son, congrats my daughter, I have this for both of you and I. Listen my kids, I know no one will tell you this. At my times I wished someone could be there to address this to me. Peter and grace sat properly.

This was to enable them get every word clearly from the wise man. Thanks my kids, life is a different school from all other schools we know. Imagine you seat for examination before a lesson. He elaborated to the  couple who look confused by now. You get an accident then you learn that you could have used a different route that couldn't have happen to you.
Secondly marriage is the only school you get certificate before studies, this is the same way we have done it today here are your certificates, go and study marriage.
You need to have tolerance, kind hearted, caring, loving etc.

Moreover, you might start to experience arguments than before. Don't quit in your marriage that is just a sign of strength, go on. Also you may experience poverty don't fear be prayerful and all will be well. That's marriage my kids. Before I wished to take this position of being a father I wished to marry at a point and I quited from that idea and am a father today.
Therefore, never quit apart from you to quit, quitting. If you shall stop quitting then your marriage and life will be smooth because no way you quit from one another.
I don't have much other than wishing you all the best my kids.

"Thanks Father," Peter said while they were standing up with his wife Grace Wanjiku. They kiss one another - Grace and Peter. This kiss was of there best I guess but to the married ones it can be among the bottom ten category, haaaahaaa. Remember peter was new just like Grace in the world of love and life. The two went to their home while in a jovial mood unlike before. Grace was happy because her dream is made true while peter had full filled the promise to Grace. Not forgetting that still the advice they have received really makes them unsettled psychologically. Because they are in the school of life and marriage. Further more, in marriage they have graduated with the certificates in hand.

For real the certificates mark a beginning of a new era to the couple. It marks the time of responsibilities to both parties, it is a channel of reproduction of new citizens, it is a start of...of...and of...this and that in their schools.
Grace noted that Peter was at a confusion state and he called him one day before they have a nap and told him, "It's normal my dear to encounter challenges in life, it is also normal to face issues in marriage," she then continued, "Let's focus for its normal what you are experiencing my love."
Peter was not happy with how the word "normal" is used now.

Peter was at a point of thinking that he is illiterate or either he needs to look at the synonyms book and see what does the word normal mean apart from something being alright as per the norm of a place.
Peter could be seen researching day night the meaning of the word normal but the research every time he does he goes on in vail.
Peter one morning woke up and went to the Father Thomas Jefferson and seek for clarification on the meaning of the world normal. And he was shocked when he asked and the reply was " welcome my son, I understand its normal for kids to visit their dads during problems.


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